Tuesday, October 20, 2009


  1. I thought you did a great analysis of The O.C. and Gossip Girl-both are shows that I love! And now I know why. I never knew the The O.C. and Gossip Girl had the same writer, but upon finding this out it made total sense. Both shows have undeniable comparisons-even the characters physical appearances! I checked out that link you posted comparing the physical appearances of the main characters of The O.C. and Gossip Girl-the resemblances are crazy! I never realized how much the characters on Gossip Girl looked like the characters on The O.C. However this leads to me question the originality of Gossip Girl. Do you think the concept for Gossip Girl was original? Obviously viewers don’t care because almost every girl I know watches it. I wonder if the characters physical appearances on both shows were based off of people Schwatrz knew growing up or when he was in the fraternity.

    Sarah Ferguson

  2. I have been a loyal follower of both shows so it was cool to read you take on how similar The O.C. and Gossip Girl are. Do you think that the teenagers in these shows take part in these behaviors almost because it is what they have been taught, or as a way of rebelling because of their lack of positive parenting? I think it's interesting to note that the male lead characters in each show with loving and supportive parents don't seem to participate in the high class partying lifestyle. Love the blog Cara!
